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Secretaries and Organization Chart

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  5. Secretaries and Organization Chart
Secretary of SAI

Paulo Bornhausen

The Executive Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Strategic Projects is a native of Blumenau, married and father of four children. He is the son of former senator and former governor Jorge Bornhausen and grandson of former governor of Santa Catarina Irineu Bornhausen. He graduated in law from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and specialized in tax law. He was Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development in the Government of Santa Catarina, elected federal deputy three times and state deputy once. In Santa Catarina’s government, he served as secretary of Sustainable Economic Development from 2011 to 2014 – when he was on leave from his position as federal deputy. At the time, he actively participated in the coordination of BMW's arrival in Santa Catarina. Bornhausen is the voluntary president of the advisory board of the regional development project InovAMFRI, carried out in the region of Foz do Rio Itajaí.


Phone: 55 48 3665-2207

Deputy Secretary of SAI

Emerson Luis Pereira

The deputy secretary is from Rio do Sul, married and father of two daughters. With a degree in Accounting and a master's degree in Management, Internationalization and Logistics, with a double degree in Alicante, Spain, Emerson consolidated his career with extensive experience in auditing and internal control, process and project management in large corporate environments, in Brazil and in 14 other countries in Europe, the Americas and the United Arab Emirates.

His CV includes experiences at organizations such as Price Waterhouse Coopers, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Brasil Foods/BRF, Whirlpool Group and FIESC. In Santa Catarina, his last stint was at Itajaí Participações, where he held the position of CEO and Director of Administration and Finance since 2017. The role was combined with the Executive Management of the Itajaí Regional Innovation Center ELUME, from its implementation until its inauguration in 2023.


Phone: 55 48 3665-2205

Structure and


The Executive Secretariat for International Articulation and Strategic Projects (SAI) is linked to the State Secretariat of the Civil House of the Government of Santa Catarina.

  • Deputy Secretary and Strategic Projects Manager (GPROJ)
    Emerson Luís Pereira
  • Institutional Relations Manager (GERIT)
    Hilda Maria Nunes
  • Missions, Receptions and Events Manager (GEMRE)
    Gabriella Schmitt Mueller Galo
  • Foreign Trade Manager (GECOMEX)
    Raquel das Neves Monteiro
  • Administrative Analyst
    Otávio Augusto Ubaldo Rauen
  • International Cooperation Coordinator
    Alexandra Xavier da Rosa
  • Investment Attraction Coordinator
    Artur Lima Ferrasso
  • International Intelligence Coordinator
    Liana Ferraz Ziliotto
  • Institutional Relations Coordinator
    Monique de Souza da Silva
  • Communications Advisor
    Sicilia Vechi


Office Hours:

from 12:00 to 19:00 from Monday to Friday


+55 (48) 3665 – 2205


Ombudsman Phone:



Government Administrative Center

Rod. SC 401 – Km 15, nº 4,600


Big Bag, Florianopolis, SC

Zip code:


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