Sai – Secretaria Executiva de Articulação Internacionais

Foreign tourists can now register a Police Report virtually

Tourists visiting Santa Catarina and those from Santa Catarina now have two new features available for registering a Police Report (BO in portuguese) via the Virtual Police Station: the BO for Foreigners and the Crime Against Elderly Report. The joint initiative between the Civil Police of Santa Catarina (PCSC) and the Information Technology and Automation Center of the State of Santa Catarina (Ciasc), with the support of the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs (SAI), aims to facilitate and speed up complaints, allowing citizens can register incidents directly via cell phone or computer.

The new version of the Virtual Police Station that allows foreigners to register Police Reports now offers instructions and an interface in Spanish and English. The insertion of the specific area to receive reports of Crimes Against the Elderly complies with Law 18,668/2023, signed by the State Governor, Jorginho Mello, who requested the SC Public Security Secretariat (SSP) to facilitate access to these reports on the SC Virtual Police Station portal.

For the general delegate of the PCSC, Ulisses Gabriel, the new features meet the determination of Governor Jorginho Mello, which is to provide a quality service to the citizens of Santa Catarina or those visiting the State. “Last year, Governor Jorginho instructed the creation of a system to record incidents involving foreigners. We identified that many foreigners in the State do not have a Brazilian CPF (identification) or passport, often using their national identity card (of origin). So, in partnership with Ciasc, linked to the Secretariat of Tourism, we established a process to facilitate this registration. The project was successfully completed, resulting in the launch of a platform that allows foreigners to register incidents in Santa Catarina using their documents from their country of origin. Furthermore, we have this new functionality in our online police report system for recording incidents involving elderly victims of crimes.”

The Institutional Vice President of Ciasc, Nilson Rosa, highlighted that the inclusion of these new types of Police Report in the Virtual Police Station represents a significant advance in the accessibility and efficiency of the public service in Santa Catarina. “We are committed to providing technological solutions that promote greater security and convenience for all citizens, including foreigners who visit our state”, said Nilson da Rosa.

According to the deputy secretary responsible for the SSP-SC, Colonel Flávio Graff, once again the Jorginho Mello government, through the Public Security Secretariat, invested for people’s well-being and in technology. “We are working hard to make the population’s life easier, valuing them, especially so that we keep and continue to welcome all those who wish to come to the safest state in the country”, he said.

For more information and to register a Police Report (BO), citizens can access the Virtual Police Station portal here ( ).

Text: PCSC/ SSP/ Ciasc
Photo: Disclosure PCSC