Santa Catarina opens formal negotiations with the Province of Shanxi, in China

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SAI), Juliano Froehner, and the Deputy Secretary of the Environment and Green Economy (SEMAE), Guilherme Dallacosta, have just arrived from China, where they participated in one of the largest forums for the development of low-carbon energy and of energy security in the world. Last week, they also met with representatives of the Shanxi Provincial Government and visited the Shanxi International Energy Group Ruiguang Thermal Power Station.
“It was a very important moment for the State of Santa Catarina, for us to study the energy revolution, as Shanxi is preparing to provoke a very strong economic development based on this revolution. In particular, we will open formal negotiations for three lines: hydrogen, treatment of coal waste and semiconductors. These are three important areas for the future of the State and for the future of the people of Santa Catarina”, highlighted Secretary Froehner. According to him, this is governor Jorginho Mello’s vision for SC to be much more international than it already is, going beyond borders with its partners, with its sister states, with the provinces that are now paired up with the State for economic and mutual development.
According to Juliano Froehner, the moment was to open paths for aligning future partnerships with the State of Santa Catarina. “Soon, the State should receive a Chinese delegation so that we can move forward with the plan to implement these lines.”
For SEMAE deputy secretary, Guilherme Dallacosta, the Taiyuan Low Carbon Energy Development Forum was a unique opportunity to learn about various types of clean energy. “And this event showed us that it is possible to move towards a green economy. But it is necessary that we increasingly implement an energy transition by imposing a much greater effort on the clean energy matrix in Santa Catarina. This has been one of Governor Jorginho Mello’s flags, and it is where we have to work on public policies to increasingly strengthen this transition to greener energy and a green economic model.”
Representatives of the government of Santa Catarina traveled to China at the invitation of the Government of Shanxi Province and also the organization of the Low Carbon Energy Development Forum (TELC), which recalled the partnership between the two of them through a memorandum of understanding on mutual cooperation signed a few years ago between Shanxi and the State of SC. At the time, the parties recognized each other as sister regions, due to their “similarities and commitment to strengthening relations, being able to mutually benefit from collaboration with a focus on tangible results; developing their economies and societies.”