State Government prospects future partnerships with Finland

The delegation from Finland was received, this Wednesday (18), by the vice-governor of the State, Marilisa Boehm. At the meeting, future partnerships in the technological education and workforce training sectors were discussed. Another point discussed was the development of winter tourism, as well as safety and environmental technology. The Finnish ambassador to Brazil, Johanna Karanko and the honorary consul Roseanne Fontana were also at Facisc.
The vice-governor understands that the exchange of international experiences makes Santa Catarina seek new partnerships for market development, especially in technology, where the State has stood out nationally. The so-called clean industries, such as the tourism sector, were also on Marilisa Boehm’s agenda, “as Santa Catarina’s cities have qualities that have not yet been fully explored.”
Present on both agendas of the Finnish delegation, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SAI), Juliano Froehner, said that the state of Santa Catarina has full interest from an educational and technological point of view. “Like Santa Catarina, Finland does much more with less and adds value to what they do. With this approach, the State will take a greater step towards the process of building this partnership. The vision of governor Jorginho Mello and vice Marilisa Boehm is to have more growth and economic development, but always combined and in balance with quality of life, well-being and care for citizens, and Finland has a great model in this sense.”
For the Secretary of Public Security (SSP), Paulo Cesar Ramos de Oliveira, who was on a recent mission to Finland with the country’s Security Secretaries, the experience guided the SSP to get closer to this important country. “Especially in relation to technology, the organization of the State and environmental preservation, so to bring advances to Santa Catarina and Brazil.”
Honorary consul of Finland, Roseanne Fontana, stated that it is important to bring countries closer together to reinforce win-win partnerships. “Binding bridges and creating opportunities between Brazil and Finland are the aims of this approach”, she explained. The consulate has jurisdiction in Paraná and Santa Catarina
The deputy secretary of the Environment and Green Economy (SEMAE), Guilherme Dalla Costa, also participated in the meeting with the vice-governor), Jonianderson Menezes, was also present.
Market opening
At the Federation of Business Associations of Santa Catarina (Facisc), ambassador Johanna Karanko, highlighted the importance of bringing Finland closer to Santa Catarina to do business between companies in both. “Our intention is to make investments to bring our countries closer together.”
According to Facisc’s director of International Relations, Sérgio Matte, the Federation has been building institutional relationships to open doors to entrepreneurs in promising markets. “We want to create and strengthen strategic ties to open Santa Catarina’s borders, whether in commercial relations, education, technology or sustainability.”
The Finnish economy is highly developed and, among other sectors, its industry stands out in the production of electronic equipment. This places its industrial production and the export of manufactured products at the center of the Finnish economy.
Finland has 5.5 million inhabitants, and the most important sectors of the economy are: services 69%, manufactured products 38%, food and beverages 11% and agriculture 2%. They are the largest importers of coffee, metals and cellulose.
Text: Office of the vice-governor/SAI
With information: Facisc